Leadership insights
How Bad Bosses Stop Innovation
Leaders who take a fear-based approach can be deadly for organizations.
The Three Types of Bad Bosses
It’s a fact. Bad bosses drive employees crazy and hinder the growth of organizations. Here are the three types of bad bosses.
One Ridiculously Easy Way to Build Trust is to Stop Doing This!
Want to be respected as a leader? Avoid the platitude trap.
Five Workplace Lies & What to Do About Them
Workplaces are complex ecosystems, and sometimes, the mantras we hear don't quite match reality. Here are 5 common lies we tell ourselves and why it's important to be aware of them.
Your Secret, Untapped Energy Source
True leaders understand how to tap into positive emotions as a massive energy source. Here’s how.
Don’t Be Yourself
You can go off the rails following that popular “Be yourself“ advice we hear everywhere. Why? Because leadership success depends on understanding the difference between “being authentic” and being at the mercy of unconscious, hardwired traits and reactions, which can sabotage us as good leaders.
Yes, there is a Leadership Brain!
Armed with a few simple facts about how your brain works can make your workday world easier. It all comes down to the auto-brain. Your mind is either concentrating (focused-brain) or on autopilot (auto-brain).
What Does Your Team Really Want to Know? (And Why Not Knowing Hurts)
Have you ever sat there, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in your stomach? You're diligently completing tasks, and meeting deadlines, but a nagging uncertainty lingers. You can feel frozen by this uncertainty. Here’s how leaders can overcome the hunger for feedback.
Seven Ways to Yes: How to Foster Agreement and Cooperation in Your Team
Achieving genuine cooperation isn't always smooth sailing. Differences in opinion, competing priorities, and communication hiccups can easily get in the way. So, how do we get our teams to a resounding "yes"?