Best practices for organizational change have risen to an all-time high because of COVID and the cascading shifts throughout the work world.
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Network with Thought- Leaders & Learn About Different HR Topics, Trends, Skills and Solutions.
In this episode of the Leadership Raccoon Podcast, we discuss what is needed for a leader to capture the best aspects of human nature…
There are important decisions to be made when you are in a leadership position. In this week’s episode of the Leadership Raccoon Podcast, we examine the crucial role of data…
Problems are unavoidable in our daily lives and in our places of employment. but how do we go about identifying and overcoming these problems? Podcast 14 – Solving Problems was…
Knowledge is an invaluable resource, and sharing it with others can lead to new insights when it comes to problem-solving.…
Knowing how to motivate others is an important skill for a leader. Today on the podcast we delve into the topic of delegating responsibilities as a way to achieve this…
This week on the Leadership Raccoon Podcast we examine the importance of having and showing direction in the workplace.
This week the Leadership Raccoon Podcast discusses why it is important for leaders to set expectations in the workplace. Podcast 10…
In this episode, the Leadership Raccoon Podcast explores how bringing passion to the workplace can make all the difference for a leader…
Today on the podcast, we discuss how having a vision contributes to good leadership in the workplace.
This week on the Leadership Raccoon podcast talks about the importance of humility for leaders in the workplace.
In this episode of the Leadership Raccoon Podcast, we discuss how we can learn from…
What does it mean to have courage? Listen to the Leadership Raccoon Podcast this week to find …
This week the Leadership Raccoon Podcast covers the subject of competence in the workplace and when it matters most. Podcast 4 – Competence was last…
This week we discuss personal values and how they influence your performance as a leader.
Explore why optimism is a critical skill for leaders and managers, and what effect it has on others.
Find out how humor in the workplace can be one of the most important ‘safety signals’ you can…
Fix Problems, Not Blame When something is going wrong with a project or a product, it is tempting to find out who is at fault and blame them. There is…
Looking for Trends Looking for trends is part of data analysis. If you look at your data and see something seriously harming your bottom line or an opportunity that needs…
In order to make informed decisions and assess the impact of your actions, you must collect meaningful data. You collect benchmarking information in the beginning, and then you collect the…
Fact Based Decision Making – Focus on the Vital Few If you collect data on many variables over any length of time, you may find yourself in the position of drowning…
In business and organizational management, facts require data to back them up—otherwise they are just opinions. Data is a tricky entity. To have decision-supporting data, you must be selective in…
Having and showing direction is like providing a roadmap to a destination. As a leader and manager, your task is to establish the desired goal (the destination) and the objectives…
Setting Expectations
Setting Expectations Setting expectations is a key responsibility of leaders and managers in all organizations. ” is responsibility includes setting the expectations for the organization as a whole, for departments within the organization, and for individuals within departments.
Leading with Passion We reserve the word passion to describe those activities or products that we really believe in and want to share with others. When you are passionate about an activity, you do it for the sheer pleasure it gives you, and you want it (whatever it is) to be the best. You want …
Leading People
Introduction to Leading People Why is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech considered one of the one hundred best speeches in American history? Because King provided his audience with a vision of the future and a clear set of expectations for what fulfilling the dream would mean to members of the audience, and …
Jeff Bezos had a vision that the Internet would completely change brick-and-mortar-based retailing. Bill Gates believed that individuals would want to own personal computers. Muhammad Yunus believed that small amounts of money, carefully placed in developing countries, could change the world. These leaders had vision.
When we think of traits leaders typically exhibit, many come to mind—including strength, charisma, enthusiasm, and vision. One important component is often overlooked: humility.
Honor Honest Failure
Failure in the corporate world means not being where you said you would be when you said you would to be there. Your team may miss a deadline. A product may not meet expectations. A new procedure has unintended and undesirable consequences.
Acting with Courage
Physical courage allows you to act in the face of pain, hardship, or threat of death. Shepherding your career rarely requires physical courage, although it may as you can see from the example at the end of this element.
Competence is doing things well, repeatedly. Competence requires study, practice, and reflection. There are many skills in which you need to be competent as a manager and leader. Effective communicating, decision making, planning, organizing, motivating, conflict managing, and problem solving…
Being Trustworthy
Being trustworthy is more than a desirable characteristic of leadership and management—it is an essential characteristic. If you aren’t trustworthy, employees and customers won’t feel they can count on you when the going is tough, nor will they give you honest information or opinions.
Recognize your Shortcomings
A shortcoming seems like a bad thing—a character flaw, perhaps. “Short” before a word means inadequate—shortsighted, short-lived, short shrift. However, there is another way to think of shortcomings: they are the natural complement to your skills. For example, as a leader..
Understanding and Living your Personal Values
A value is a belief or philosophy that underlies our worldview and the way we treat our family, employees, the community, and the environment. Values may be deep-seated, such as …
Leading with Optimism
Effective leaders are optimistic. They are optimistic and confident by nature, and they can convey their optimism to others in ways that are motivating—this is not Pollyanna optimism but a strong belief in their vision and their ability to make it happen. The optimism of a leader is founded in reality.
Leading with Humor
Humor plays a serious role in your communication with other people. Humor can be used to make a point or to diffuse a situation. When used about yourself, humor demonstrates your humility and can sometimes disarm a difficult situation.
Know Yourself
Knowing yourself is one of the most challenging and important tasks of your life. If you know what you believe in, what you value, and how you define yourself, you will be in a better position to understand what you want.